10 Facts About Right to Work


  1. So-called “right to work” laws don’t give anyone an actual right to work.
  2. “Right to work” laws make it harder for you and your co-workers to join a union or to keep the one you might already have.
  3. “Right to work” laws legally stop unions from collecting dues that pay for your guaranteed rights and representation.
  4. Without dues, unions collapse — meaning your right to workplace protections disappears.
  5. Supporters who say these laws prevent “forced unionization” aren’t telling the truth. Under federal law, it is already illegal to force anyone to join a union.
  6. When unions die under “right to work” laws, corporations and other employers can get away with paying you less and denying you benefits like health care.
  7. According to federal reports, workers in “right to work” states make roughly $6,000 less per year than workers in other states.
  8. In “right to work” states, poverty rates are higher for working adults and their children.
  9. The 12 states that pay workers the highest wages do not have “right to work” laws, including Illinois.
  10. Unions help raise the standard of living for all workers. “Right to work” laws shift the balance of power away from workers and into the hands of employers.


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