Workers Seeking First-Time Contract Strike in Response to Unlawful Conduct

WILLOW SPRINGS, IL | Workers at Rowell Chemical in Willow Springs are in the fight for their first ever Teamster contract. After months back and forth with their employer, unlawful subcontracting, intimidating conduct, and unilateral changes the workers took to the street in the early hours of Wednesday morning and have been standing strong on the picket line ever since in an unfair labor practice strike.

“The company is not bargaining in good faith, and they pushed us to this point,” said Secretary-Treasurer Mike Cales. “These men work every day with dangerous chemicals in dangerous conditions – and they deserve to be treated so much better. We are proud to have their backs as they stand up for their rights.”

The chemical operators who make and load bleach, caustic acid, and hydrochloric – and the drivers who deliver these chemicals – reached out to Local 710 and voted for Teamster representation last March. Negotiations began in August, and there have been more than 20 passes back and forth on proposals addressing issues with safety, use of subcontractors, discipline, healthcare, and more.

The Local bargaining committee last met with Rowell Wednesday morning straight from the picket line. Since then, the employer has attempted various failed methods to intimidate the strikers. They even experienced a chemical leak in the facility yesterday that required EMS response, further highlighting the egregious safety concerns that contributed to the reasons why these workers are now on strike.

“They’re wasting their time trying to scare us and scramble with an unqualified workforce when they should be working in good faith on a proposal that recognizes the hard work of our members,” said Business Agent & Bargaining Chairman Mike Ramirez. “We have multiple ULP charges against them – imagine the progress we could have made if they spent less time trying to undermine us and more time working with us and fulfilling their obligations.”

Out on the picket line, the workers have been seeing strong support from fellow workers – with drivers not delivering packages, sanitation workers turning around without picking up trash, and Contractors refusing to perform work at the facility – among many others honoring the picket line. And many others!

The Local 710 Executive Board has also approved an additional weekly benefit from the 710 Strike Fund, along with coverage for COBRA benefits as needed. Negotiations are scheduled to resume April 1, if not sooner. Stay tuned to for updates as the situation progresses.

Teamsters Local 710 is an affiliate of Teamsters Joint Council 25, America’s premier labor Union for Chicago, Illinois, and Indiana, representing more than 100,000 men and women with 25 local Union affiliates.

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