IBT MEMORANDUM: Update on Yellow’s Proposed Change of Operations


To: Teamster Affiliates Representing Members at Yellow, Inc.
From: John A. Murphy, Director, Teamsters Freight Division
Date: March 29, 2023
Re: Update on Yellow’s Proposed Change of Operations

The following is an update on Yellow’s proposed change of operations and clarification around misinformation being actively circulated by Yellow, Inc.

First, the change of operations hearing previously scheduled to begin April 5 has been cancelled.

During a meeting with Yellow last week, it became clear that the company’s proposed change of operations was an effort to significantly rewrite current contractual language without engaging in legitimate negotiations. Particularly, the proposed change of operations (Phase II) violated nearly every supplement to the Yellow National Master Freight Agreement. The proposal sought to force road drivers to work on the dock, to modify and merge seniority lists, and to alter established dispatch and work rules. The proposal violated various agreed upon local union agreements concerning the use and protection of “dock-only” workers.

Second, there is no agreement on the part of TNFINC to put Yellow’s proposed change of operations out to a membership vote. If the company says otherwise, it is being dishonest.

Third, it was communicated to the company that due to the significant contractual changes it seeks, the appropriate way for Yellow to pursue such changes would be to reopen the current agreement; engage in legitimate, transparent, and full bargaining with TNFINC; and, ultimately, if a new tentative agreement is reached, submit such a TA for membership ratification. These steps would be in accordance with Article XII of the Teamsters Constitution.

It goes without saying the Teamsters Union would have its own demands in the event bargaining were to occur.

Please remember that Yellow cannot violate our contract to obtain improper unilateral changes under the guise of a change of operations.

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