Message from Secretary-Treasurer Mike Cales on COVID-19

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Your Teamsters Local 710 Executive Board and Representatives are closely monitoring the constantly changing situation regarding the COVID-19 outbreak. New news is ongoing and nonstop. Procedures and mandates from our local and federal governments have been rapidly updating. All of this creates more questions for everyone in our communities, and I know everyone is concerned for what tomorrow – or the next hour – will bring.

I want to commend each and every one of our members for rising to the challenges we’re now faced with. I can’t say enough how proud I am to be a Teamster, and that feeling has grown even more now. When the demand for our regular goods and services increases so dramatically as it has over the past week, the work that we as Teamsters do daily can become taken for granted. But it is our hard work and resilience that makes sure hospitals, stores, restaurants, and everywhere else stays stocked with the goods this country needs to continue forward. Our Local is full of dedicated workers who are on the front lines to keep our country moving and support everyone through this pandemic – it is essential that we protect those workers and ensure they are able to continue their work in a safe and healthy manner. We will also do everything we can to assist our members who may be faced with any loss of work due to the ever changing situation.

Throughout whatever the future brings us, your Local 710 representatives are committed to continuing to bring you and your families the best representation. We are in constant communication with your employers to stay apprise to their policies relating to COVID-19. We will ensure that your rights are protected, and we will fight to ensure that you are able to work in a safe and healthy manner. I know that the latest development regarding new mandates for restaurants and bars in Illinois affects a significant portion of our membership, and I assure you, we are staying on top of that situation as it affects your work. If you experience any issues or have any questions whatsoever, please contact your Business Agent. We are taking precautions as necessary to protect the health of our staff, and your Local 710 Union Hall will remain open and operate as per usual until we are mandated not to do so.

The health and safety of our members and your families is our highest priority. To keep in line with what is best to help slow the spread of this disease, the Executive Board has decided to cancel the next General Membership Meeting scheduled for March 29, 2020. All future meetings are set to continue as scheduled pending any necessary reevaluation in the future. We will continue to post updates on and our social media pages to keep you in the loop about what has been going on with our Local, as well as any changes pertaining to COVID-19 and your working conditions.

We are Teamsters, and we will keep our communities moving. Stay safe and healthy, do what is best for you and your families. We will get through this together.

In solidarity,

Mike Cales

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